Sunday, August 26, 2018


Image result for gilgamesh flood vs genesis flood

The flood that happened in the story of Gilgamesh compared to the flood that takes place in the Old Testament has many differences. To me, the flood in Genesis is far more moral; in the Bible, Noah is warned by God that there will be a flood due to the world becoming an evil place full of sin. Out of Noah's trust in God and his obedience, he builds the ark for the animals and his family and survives the flood that lasted forty nights and forty days. At the end of the flood, God sent a rainbow and a promise to never flood the earth again and that those who believe in Him shall have eternal life. 
While Noah obeyed one God out of his love for Him, there are many gods mentioned in Gilgamesh. I feel as if Gilgamesh listened to these gods for more selfish reasons. The flood mentioned in this story was only six days and nights, which is significantly shorter than the flood in the Old Testament. 
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The search for immortality is the main principle in Gilgamesh. The relationship that the gods have with Gilgamesh was to show him that he cannot live forever, but humankind will continue to progress. They show this by killing Endiku. 

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The journey home is the main principle in The Odyssey. As Odysseus is trying to return home to Ithaca, he faces many challenges; some gods tried to drown him and keep him, while other gods protect him and warn him throughout his journey. 

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The main principle in the Aeneid was the founding of a state. In this story, the gods encourage Aeneas that he is powerful and capable of ruling Rome.