Sunday, September 16, 2018


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Tragedy: "an imitation of an action that is serious and has a wholeness in its extent, in language that is pleasing, enacted rather than narrated, culminating, by means of pity and fear, in the cleansing of these passions" Aristotle's tragedies contain a great deal of emotion

Hamartia: a tragic mistake or an error of judgement; a great character's downfall

Catharsis: a strong emotion that can consist of pity or fear- Aristotle uses this word as a metaphor of being washed or cleansed

Deus ex machina: literally means god of the machine-  a character, more likely a god, that helps to solve a problem unexpectedly. Aristotle does not like this as he feels the gods should not intervene with the plot

Image result for Include images of Ancient Greek theater ruins such as Aristotle would have known.

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